Friday, September 12, 2008

First Day Reflection

The first day of school made me feel as if I was coming home for the first time in a very long time. I loved being able to breathe in the crisp air on a cool morning; being able to see my friends in person for the first time in three long months. I almost felt like someone had knocked the breath clean out of me so I could take in the scent of my homeland. It just felt right to be back on the grounds again.

Throughout the day, I saw people I had not seen in ages: some had just moved back to the district, others had just enrolled in LMS. A few were brand new to the state of Washington. I met up with some of my old friends as well, and discovered that I, surprisingly, liked every single one of my teachers.

My schedule was convenient; my classes mostly took place in the eighth grade hall, where my locker was. And my new science teacher completely changed the views I'd acquired from the year before, when I'd had a science teacher that wasn't really the best personality match for me.

And as I got on the bus to go home, I realized that I loved my schedule and my teachers. And I knew exactly what I was going to say to my mother when she asked how my day had gone.


Mr. S said...

You are indeed a writer. Lovely description of your first day.

Taylor said...

i like your blog!!! your a very creativ writer and have a lot to say!

Mr. Bergquist said...

I'm glad that you had a great first day. Nicely written!