Saturday, February 21, 2009

Eighth Grade Project & Choir

Hi everyone!

A lot's been going on lately. I switched block classes, joined choir, and have begun working on my Eighth Grade Project.

Choir has been going really smoothly. We've sung songs from a lot of different places - from Africa and Mexico to Russia. We have "free" days on Fridays, when we bring in our own lyrics. It's a lot of fun and, believe it or not, challenging. We've all ready learned to trust each other.

For my Eighth Grade Project, I'm writing a novel called Grace. So far, I've written two chapters and the prologue, which is (all together) about 5,000 words out of my 50,000 word goal. I've had this idea rolling around in my head for a long time, and I'm finally getting to it.

Grace is about a girl named Arella, who woke up from an "accident" with no memory. She does, however, remember all of her family excepting her brother and father. She has a twin sister, but Levana completely ignores her at school, trading Arella for friends. When Arella's quiet, ignored existence becomes a chaotic mix of tragedy and tears, there's one person to comfort her, but she doesn't even know his real name. All she knows is the meaning: melody.

Yup, so that's pretty much the summary of this novel I'm writing. I can never figure out how to summarize this kind of stuff. :P That summary seems okay, though. Anyway, I'm really, really excited about this. I came to the conclusion that it was inspired by a song called Lauren & I (Celtic Thunder, written and sung solo by Keith Harkin) that I heard this summer. Other stuff eventually compiled into this whole idea I have now, like a house we pass everyday that has a huge wrought iron gate (I absolutely love that kind of metal work). The house behind it is enormous, and I've heard tell that the "house" is really just the garage. *Jaw drops*

That is some kind of crazy. I doubt that it really is the garage, but it's still a beautiful house.

There was one line in that song, Lauren & I, that made me blink. It's a sweet song, but sad as well. It went like this (it was actually more than one line, now that I think about it):

"And the seasons pass away,
And I still sit here lonely each and every day,
Wondering what's gone wrong,
'cause I don't remember
Seasons lasting oh so long
Oh so long..."
-Celtic Thunder, Keith Harkin, Lauren & I

It immediately got me thinking. It still does, in fact. I love this song. It's one of the few you can learn in minutes without it getting boring after a few days. Evanescence and Paramore are also good bands. Like You, Taking Over Me (Evanescence), and Stop This Song (Paramore) are my favorites. :)

I think that I've gone on about this long enough... I'm done.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*sighs* Lauren and I... that's my favorite song right now. I just love Keith! When I first heard the song, I thought it was something that I'd hear on the radio before, but I was way wrong! But that just shows how great of a song it is... it could get so far if people could spread the word about it! It's one of those songs that I never get tired of.